Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oscar : Does it has sixth sense?

I really do not know what to say knowing that there is a cat like Oscar that has such ability like that. I mean, this is just amazing however he detects the impending doom. It could be useful yet scary if you have pet like him. it will be useful to have cat like Oscar when we have someone who is suffering from mortal sickness. there fore we can accompany the patient for the remaining time he or she has. But it is also scary for some people to know approximately when they are going to face their death.
Actually, I do not really believe some superstitios stuff. But I do believe that certain animals especially cat can detect some entities of supernatural things. But it alse can be explained using scientific way how Oscar can detect the death. Maybe he could smell some chemistry reactions that occured come out from the body when someone is dying. it said that animals have greater sense of smelling. Well, it is up to you guys how to react with this thing.

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